Bastrop County Amateur Radio Club


Welcome! You have found the home of the Bastrop County Amateur Radio Club, or BCARC, on the Web.

We are a club comprised of Ham Radio Operators of all ages and experience levels, and invite any radio amateur or aspiring radio operator to join. We are a very active club that holds daily and weekly VHF and UHF nets, monthly radio activities and club meetings, weekly lunch and breakfast gatherings, picnics, as well as quarterly examination sessions.  We are always looking for ways to meet new Hams and offer help to all who want to become one!  If you would like to become a member of BCARC, please follow this link to our Join Page.



Please join us on our club repeater:

VHF ~ 145.350 -114.8 tone

UHF ~ 443.350 +114.8 tone

The UHF (70cm) Repeater Has Changed Frequency to 443.350   +114.8 tone. This change will take effect by 02/20/2022 

Our New Club Call Sign is Now


Echolink ~ Search for K5OQ-R

If you need any help accessing the repeater don’t hesitate to ask us for help.  You can send us an email anytime.

Everyday at 3:00 PM CST (21:00 UTC) for “Talk at 3”

Thursday at 8:00 PM CST (02:00 UTC) for our “Rag Chew Net”

Thursday at 8:30 PM CST (02:30 UTC) for CW Practice Net. on 28.115 mhz.

We look forward to meeting you on the air!

Other Nets:

Texas ARES HF Net: Every Monday at 19:30 hrs on 3873 kHz (LSB)

Our Stated Meeting is the Second Saturday of Each Month at El Nuevo Mexico at 9 am.

201 Childers St., Bastrop, TX 78602

We meet at 8:00 am for Breakfast!

Click here for EVENTS Calendar

Join Us for Lunch Every Wednesday and Breakfast Every Saturday!


Learn More at our Join Page

Send Us Email

Please contact the webmaster (KJ5GOO) for updates or questions about this site!